Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Optin Pages - What's the big deal with optin anyway?

Optin Pages. Who needs them?

An earlier blog on this site went into the pros and cons of autoresponders in terms of what they are, what they do, and how they can be used to increase revenue. Read Autoresponders for profit

Unfortunately, that article did not address where the mystery prospective customers come from. Those who will be sent email as part of the autoresponder series.

Let's look at offline and then online sources.

Offline sources of optin clients
Do you currently run a retail business? Perhaps a hair salon, mechanics garage or lawn care service where people walk in the door and request quotes or more information?

If so, you already have the modus de operandi for collecting valuable emails. We won't go into the why you should do this, because that was covered in the blogs on "autoresponders for profit"

Simply make an offer to those who come into your place of business as a swap for their business card / email address.

A bowl of business cards with a free draw for a trip somewhere will usually do the trick.

Don't forget tradeshows, walking around a tradeshow and any other opportunity like business opportunity meetings.

Online sources of Optin customers

We will cover this in the next blog

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