Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Stretch Mark Removal Surgery: What You Need To Know

By Rashel Dan

The most common stretch mark removal surgery is known as the tummy tuck or abdominoplasty. Despite the fact that this procedure is available for almost everyone, there are still some physicians who argue that it is not the best solution for your stretch marks. There are many reasons behind this argument; therefore, it would be wise to learn about them and also everything else about the procedure before undergoing a treatment as serious as this.

Finding The Right Surgeon

The most crucial and initial step is to find a surgeon you can trust. Obviously, the surgeon you end up selecting has to have five years of surgical training with a minimum of two years in plastic surgery. He or she should be trained and experienced in all plastic surgery procedures and should only operate in accredited medical facilities. The surgeon should also strictly follow code of ethics, and standards in patient safety. Most importantly, the physician that you choose should be certified by the board of plastic surgeons in your country and area.

How To Prepare For Surgery

After you have selected the right surgeon, the next step is to discuss your expectations and desired outcome. During the consultation, the surgeon will also take the opportunity to evaluate your general health status because having heart or digestive or vascular system problems can hinder your being able to undergo tummy tuck. Right before surgery, you may be asked to take certain medications to aid in the procedure, as well as avoid taking aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs that can increase bleeding. At this time, your doctor should have already explained to you the possible risks and costs involved.

Possible Risks and Costs

Here is a list of the possible risks followed by the costs you may have to experience once you decide to undergo this treatment.

- Ugly scarring - Infection - Poor wound healing - Bleeding - Anesthesia risks - Persistent pain - Possibility of nerve damage - Blood clots - Surgeon's fee - Anesthesia fees - Hospital costs - Prescriptions and Medications

If you have decided that the benefits outweighs the potential complications and costs, then the third step would include the plastic surgeon or staff asking you to sign consent forms to ensure that you have fully understood the procedure that you will undergo and any possible complications.

What Happens During Surgery

Surgery starts with an intravenous sedation and general anesthesia administered to the patient. Once they have taken effect, the surgeon is now ready to start the operation. A full Abdominoplasty will require a horizontal incision in the area between the navel and pubic hairline. With the incision, the surgeon can now repair weakened abdominal muscles and excess fat and skin is removed. If you want excess skin in the upper abdomen removed, a second incision around the navel has to be made. Once completed, the surgeon will use sutures, skin adhesives, and clips to close up the incisions.

Road To Recovery

The success of the stretch mark removal surgery also depends greatly on the final step which is post-surgical care. Dressings or bandages may be applied to the incisions to minimize the swelling and a compression garment will help support the abdomen as it heals. Within a week or two, the patient will be able to stand upright comfortably once again and the swelling would have subsided.

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