Saturday, February 21, 2009

Win Free Stuff Searching Online

By Samantha Asher

Do you use search engines? If you are reading this article online, the answer is probably yes. In fact, you probably use a search engine almost everyday. Most people who use computers do searches.

When you do these searches, what do you get? You probably get the results for the words you typed in. Hopefully you find the information you were looking for. Now here is the real question. Do you ever win free stuff when you do these searches?

Most likely you don't win free stuff when you are searching. That's too bad because you could be. It's as simple as searching the web for whatever you needed and winning some free stuff simultaneously.

There is a program out there that does just this. It rewards you for your searches. It is called Swag Bucks. When you join Swag Bucks, every time you do a search on their search engine, you have a chance to win a Swag Buck. You can usually win one or two everyday.

Usually when you win on a search, you can win between 1 and 10 swag bucks on most days. On Megabuck Fridays, you can win as many as 100. You can earn even more bucks with Swag codes. Keep an eye on their blog, twitter feed, and facebook page for free codes where you can win a buck or two.

As the days go by, you'll be saving and saving your bucks. When you have a whole bunch, you can take them to the Swag store and exchange them for free gift cards from Musician's Friend,, Barnes and Noble, Subway, Fandango, and many more places. You can also redeem your bucks for video games, electronics, posters, sports trading cards, and music memorabilia.

Save for a while and you can get 2, 3, 4, or more gift cards at a time, such as from Amazon you can get a $5 gift card code. If you order several at once they will give you one gift code for the entire amount. For example, if you order 5 codes, they will send you one amazon gift code worth $25. You can exchange it for a $500 gift card if you want!

Their video game selection is huge and you can even win several different consoles such as xBox or Wii. You can also win tons of cool stuff from their electronics section including televisions, stereos, zunes, iPods, turntables, and more.

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