Thursday, December 18, 2008

Banish those Wrinkles for good

By Nigel James

Who does not want to look younger? Wrinkles on the skin always prevent a person from looking younger. Wrinkles tell us that old age has set in. Taking into consideration the fact that the human body requires the optimum amount of nutrients, it is obvious that a lack of these nutrients or vitamins result in aging of skin and formation of wrinkles.

The right amount of nutrition gives the skin a well toned look. A wrinkle or age line is a noticeable crease on the facial skin. It is the result of aging and improper nutrient intake. Wrinkles in combination with folds of the skin make the facial features unappealing.

Today, people don't have enough time for themselves, thus they are unable to pay proper attention towards their skin or their body. A young person has more fat cells as compared to an old person. As a person ages, the number of fat cells in the skin decrease, the skin however continues to grow and sags, thus forming wrinkles.

The daily grind subjects a person to a lot of activity and anxiety, resulting in aging of the skin, and setting off of wrinkles. The work and toil makes the skin loose its suppleness, thus showing the brittle bones underneath.

Moreover, additional everyday activities such as eating, chewing, frowning, smiling, also has an effect on the skin, leading to wrinkles. A proper nutritious diet, relaxation, medication and a balanced schedule can always help to reduce wrinkles.

To counter aging, there is a vast array of beauty products in the market. Sunscreen not only protects your skin as you move around, it also prevents aging that occurs due to harsh weather conditions. Skin cleansers clean the pores that can gather substances that irritate the skin. The dull look of an uneven skin due to dryness can be countered by a moisturizer. Alpha Hydroxyl Acids (AHA) or fruit acids detach dead skin deposited on the surface leaving your skin smooth and glowing. Apart from all these cosmetics, one thing that really helps wrinkles to stay away is facial exercise. Facial exercise keeps the face muscles well toned giving the skin a firmer look and a younger feel.

According to scientific research, our cell refresh rate decreases as we grow older. This means that the rate at which our cells renew themselves, reduces with age. Due to this slowing renewal rate, the skin becomes dull, dry and uneven. It holds less water and therefore gets dehydrated and develops wrinkles.

While wrinkles are a natural phenomenon and they will happen eventually, we do have at our disposal a number of remedies at hand that can help curb the development of these wrinkles. All this is possible thanks to the growth and development in medical science. A number of companies have come out with various products that contain DNA and RNA, that are beneficial in combating the growth of wrinkles and delaying the ageing process. Natural proteins such as collagen and elastin are also used widely as they help in rejuvenating the skin. Ceramides are also used to help hydrate the skin, and prevent it from shriveling up due to dryness.

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